Thursday, November 28, 2013


Okay, I first want to say how sorry I am for taking so long to update. It has just been crazy and whenever I sat down to write, I either could not think of anything to write, or whatever I did write was just plain bad, so I ended not posting it. Sad, but truthful. Sorry to all!

Last week I had my 100th day in Sweden. To me, that is just crazy. Just thinking about everything that has happened so far and everything that is to come just astounds me, being able to be here and able to be going through all these wonderful, sometimes though experiences. 100 isn't that big of a number in the long run of life, that I know, but right now, right here, it is a big accomplishment for me. Just thinking about how much has happened in these 100 plus days makes me wonder what will happen in the next 100.

Today is Thanksgiving in America and it just makes me think about how thankful I am to be here. I am missing my family a lot, especially today, because thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays but, only 19 days till I get to see them!!! YAY!

I have recently been walking around a lot, just exploring the different areas of town and taking pictures. I have come to really love walking, it really clears my head and lets me think and just listen to some music without distractions. It makes me almost forget everything crazy going on, like missing my friends and family and just try and focus on the positives.

Being here in Sweden has made me really get into photography, as some have probably noticed if you follow me in other places... It is just something I really like to do. I know some must be thinking, oh geez, just another teenager with an iPhone, which is basically what I am now, but I do really want to get better and be able to express myself through the photographs I take. I read this quote that I really love and it goes like: "A camera stops time when we can't," - Mark Polish. That quote really sticks with me. It is so simple yet it says so much. Taking photos to me is exactly that, being able to stop a moment in time when you capture an image. I can't really describe it, but there is just this beauty in photos to me that just makes me really love taking them.

Well, this was a very scattered and short blog, I will be posting more blogs now, hopefully, I cannot make promises, but I do try very hard to post them, they just sadly get pushed to the bottom of my to do list. I hope everyone in America eats their little hearts out today, stuffing themselves with all the wonderful Thanksgiving food. Everyone can eat my portion too! :) Talk (write?) to you guys soon! ~